        I just read a good article discussing about the generation that is "always on," when  means how people are constantly on technology such as: Facebook, Wikipedia, social media sites, etc.  It discussed the good and bad aspects of such a generation, and how it could affect the future.  Good outcomes of for this future generation were listed as: creative thinking, cooperative thinking, able to access a multitude of information, and more.  However, even though that is true, I do believe that the negatives are extremely strong in this case: losing ability for human connection, believing the first answer is correct, and having a major breakdown in human behavior should technology go away for a long period of time.
          I stress the negative, because I see it in myself, as well as, most of the children in the schools I go to.  The ability to talk with other human beings, and connect, has definitely appeared to be lost on some generations.  They have issues with discussion and problem solving in person, but have no problem communicating through technology where you do not have to actually socialize live.  For some people it is simply their personality, like me, but for others, it is now being trained and that can be scary.  I brought up the fact that even though technology can let us access a great amount of knowledge, people will tend to go with the first answer.  Many will not look at multiple sites to validate the answer, or be able to distinguish between valid sources and fake.  I believe THAT is what will affect education most in the future.  People unable to verify sources, and understand why the first answer in Google is not necessarily the correct answer.  I believe that training and teaching into understanding the negatives can help students effectively use the internet for the positive.  As stated previously, the internet can be used to help access a multitude of information, which is amazing and can lead to a more open way of thinking; however, it is up to the educational system to change and support this effort.

For article:
Generation Always-On - http://www.elon.edu/e-net/Note.aspx?id=958393

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    My name is Kelley Kill.  I'm 26 years old, and living within the San Francisco Bay Area.  Happily working as an Adapted Physical Education Teacher, and gleefully attempting to get my Masters in Kinesiology from Fresno Pacific University.


    February 2013
    January 2013

