At my school, and most others, we have PLC- Professional Learning Community.  During this time with our PLC, we have professionals in the same or similar field get together and discuss anything from lesson plans to how to enhance our teaching.  For example, a group of first grade teachers at a school would be a PLC, or if there is only one teacher of each grade, then maybe K-2 teachers create one PLC.  This same philosophy is now transferred onto the Internet in Professional Learning Networks or PLN.  In the past, it would be people of similar fields to become a group, but now, there are learning networks of a more personal nature. 

I chose Scoop.it to begin my own Personal Learning Network.  With my Scoop,it account, I am able to access a variety of media (blogs, microposts, video, etc) surrounding a topic or theme that is personal to me.  I created two topics or communities to follow, one is Adapted Physical Education and the other is Adapted Physical Activity and Sports.  Both are passions of mine, and are connected to my professional life as an Adapted Physical Education Teacher.  The first topic allows me access to scholarly journals, news articles, blogs, and various information that I can use to enhance my own teaching activities.  The other community allows me to stay informed on various sports, and more importantly athletic heroes, that I can discuss with my students in regards to real-life role models.  I decided to mainly "scoop", or publish on my walls, written articles by online newspapers or scholarly journals.  I wanted to start my communities with relevant information that I found to be informative, uplifting, and  relatable to my teaching.  I will most likely add in other types of media (video and audio), but did not find any currently that met what I was looking for. 

To see my PLN and/or follow, copy and paste this in your browser -    http://www.scoop.it/u/kelley-k

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    My name is Kelley Kill.  I'm 26 years old, and living within the San Francisco Bay Area.  Happily working as an Adapted Physical Education Teacher, and gleefully attempting to get my Masters in Kinesiology from Fresno Pacific University.


    February 2013
    January 2013

