Websites such as YouTube are being used more frequently in the educational system.  It allows students to not only listen but have visuals for a more intensive instruction.  My personal favorite website is BrainPop for students in a classroom setting, but I am not in a classroom setting currently, and so I love YouTube!  I use YouTube on my phone to either quickly download songs that my IPod Stereo refuses to play, or to show visuals to get students engaged in a song.  The YouTube video above is one of my more requested songs- The Bear Hunt.  In this video, there are captions telling the adult or watcher, what to do with their body throughout the song.  I have used this video to help adults understand what is being asked of them, as well as, putting my volume as high as possible on my cell to play this song when my stereo fails.  I hope you enjoy it!

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    My name is Kelley Kill.  I'm 26 years old, and living within the San Francisco Bay Area.  Happily working as an Adapted Physical Education Teacher, and gleefully attempting to get my Masters in Kinesiology from Fresno Pacific University.


    February 2013
    January 2013

