A PWP is a great resource, and a way to demonstrate a more professional front to possible employers.  In this technology age, webpages and online resumes are more desirable than the paper counterparts.  This is why a Physical Education teacher’s PWP should represent his or her entire teacher self.  The PWP should include everything that can possibly prove to a parent, employer, or student exactly who the teacher is.  In order to enhance a PWP it should include: teaching philosophy, resume, references (on request to respect privacy), testimonials (if possible), introduction about the teacher’s personal life, and links to contact him or her.  It would also be beneficial to have in the PWP list what organizations the teacher is a member of, and links to any publicity received (awards, news article, etc.).  I plan to include all of these suggestions into my PWP in order to make my profile stand out from any other similar PE teachers who would create his or her own PWP.  Lastly, I am making sure that my profile showcases my personality and who I am as a person by the pictures that put up on my PWP.  They are from trips to Disneyland and events in San Francisco.  Though pictures of teaching are always great, sometimes teachers cannot get permission from parents to post their child's picture, but pictures should be up.  My pictures show my fun and silly side which is critical a an Adapted PE teacher

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    My name is Kelley Kill.  I'm 26 years old, and living within the San Francisco Bay Area.  Happily working as an Adapted Physical Education Teacher, and gleefully attempting to get my Masters in Kinesiology from Fresno Pacific University.


    February 2013
    January 2013

