The bean bag game is a fun game for K-6th grade!  It has students following directions, constantly moving, and being successful in a game.  Basically, there is a "teacher" and "students".  Each "student" has a color (some may share colors) and may only touch that one colored bean bag.  The "teacher" takes the bean bags and throws them around the room; when the teacher says "go" the students run to get his or her colored beanbag.  Students can run, walk, skip, crawl, etc. to their beanbags, but the movement is decided only by the "teacher" and the adult.  Once independent, students can run this game themselves but an adult may need to be supervise occasionally. 
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    My name is Kelley Kill.  I'm 26 years old, and living within the San Francisco Bay Area.  Happily working as an Adapted Physical Education Teacher, and gleefully attempting to get my Masters in Kinesiology from Fresno Pacific University.


    February 2013

